Cleaning out your room can be such a drag!!! :( Until... I found some gorgeous pieces of fabric!!!!! Unfortunately, they were random sewing scraps that I picked up from some shops... the leftover segments... but they look absolutely fantastic!!!
And I just know I have to do something but what to do?! I was

thinking... *I know... it hurts so much!* lol!
A bustier top...?
...and then, pair it with a high waisted skirt to form a lovely dress ensemble... It's pinned quite roughly below just so I get an idea of what it would look like all together!
I took a quick pic of me pinned into it!! (I know... the teeshirt looks so bad with the ensemble! bahaha!)
Here's take two without the tee!!

Can't wait to get started on it! It looks fab! (And that's without even starting to sew it!) Eep!!
I have enough fabric leftover to add a bow to skirt to tie two pieces together! :o)
The skirt... is SO OLD, I can't believe I have gotten rid of it yet! I bought it back in 2004! :-o This is gonna be such a great way to revive this old skirt! Yay! It actually sits at the hips, but I think that if I take it in, it'd would look great high waisted!
Of course, after getting so excited about this new project... getting my room cleaned, just didn't happen! lol!
Bina :o)