Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Dashain 2009

Vijaya Dashami 2066!

Dashain commemorates a great victory of the gods over the wicked demons, essentially a triumph of good over evil.

In the Ramayan, it is only when goddess Durga is evoked that lord Ram defeats Ravana, king of demons.

The main victory that Dashain celebrates is when goddess Durga slays the demon Mahisasur, who disguised himself as a brutal water buffalo.

This year, Dashain falls on Monday, September 28th, 2009.
May goddess Durga bless you in every step of life, as she blessed Lord Rama to fight the evil Ravana.
Jai Nepal!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Found this little creation online...

When did zipper brooches happen? I feel like I blinked and missed it! Cos now, all of a sudden, everyone has them/are making them/wearing them/wants one...what the fudge?

How amazing does it look? It's being sold on by designer playground...

I think it may be time I cut up an old hoodie and try to make one... it'll prob not work out so well, but...let me have my wishful thinking! :)

Bina :o)

Upcycled Gypsy Dress

So it's back to college time! And it was Freshers Week this past week and I thought to myself... I need new college clothes! But RECESSION equals no money for Bina...

So I created this dress on Tuesday night in just a few hours! :) I made it from an old tee and a skirt I got for a euro AGES AGO in the sales... it was an ugly skirt (well, it made me look frumpy and ugly)... and I turned it into a beautiful dress! :) it's the first thing I've made with the new sewing machine!

Snaps for me! *clicks fingers*

Something nice for me to wear into college!

Upcycled Gypsy Dress
I added a frill along the bottom of the collar so that the two pieces fit together better and used a belt to draw in my waist and make it look more fitted!Got myself a lovely new dress!
Bina :o)

Watch this space!

This blog contains all the creative things that I have done in the past and all future projects...

I am just exploding with ideas, I have an urge to create things! I feel like I was born with a bag of creativity and I'm just wasting it away!

Must create something...must create something!

Anyway, I have finally bought myself a sewing machine... but crap timing, cos it's now the end of the summer so all my free time is gone poof as I'm back in college and it's my final year... but sure, I'll make time!

Trust me... study will induce procastination... so plenty of projects to come...

Watch this space!
Bina :o)

Keeping up with the Jones

So it seems like the happening thing to do... So I've finally started my very own blog! Woop woop! I'll probably soon make it more interesting than its current state with future blogs, but for now... we shall see how it goes! :)

Happy blogging! :)
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